Woman Severed Husband's Penis

This story here has been covered here on MANN already. I am running this article though to point up the tone and attitude of the author. She is basically saying that sometimes, it's OK to cut off your husband's penis while he sleeps, citing two possible reasons: suspected infidelity and unemployment. Imagine such an article written by a man justifying an equivalent assault on his sleeping wife for the same reasons? Excerpt:

'A penis is without a home after his wife was fed-up and done with his nonsense. Hey, maybe some of you men should read this and snap into shape, right? You never know when you might just push your significant other so far that she, uhm, cuts you off.

Sources report that a woman who is only identified as "Pan" chopped her husband's penis off with a pair of scissors after he passed out from a night of drinking and taking pills. She is being charged with assault and may face up to 12 years if she is convicted. The Vietnamese woman claims that the relationship of infidelity and abuse led to her actions, and she does not regret it in the slightest. She's glad for what she did, and she feels that she taught him a lesson.
So the moral of this story is pretty obvious. Men: Don't cheat on your women, especially if she's the one bringing home the income and busting her tail working every day to support you. Otherwise, don't expect much sympathy when you wake up without a penis.'

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Robert Franklin recently ran a piece on a column by a woman who spoke approvingly of the killing of a character in "The Sopranos" for slapping his wife. She basically said if more women did this, more men would stop abusing their wives. In very female fashion, she then tries to backpedal, saying "she didn't really mean it." Only a woman would try that bit of rhetorical backpedaling. That aside, some commenters agreed it would discourage abusive men.

Rather obviously, it's an approach that could be abused. Kill your husband for the insurance and say he abused you. Gosh, I'm surprised no one's thought of that before. Wait, they have! (Don't women ever think that if it's okay for them to kill their spouse it's okay for their spouse to kill them? At least according to their morality?)

Maybe that's not a bad approach. If your husband finds you with another man or you've been unemployed for a while (as this man had been), it's perfectly acceptable to cut off your breast or rip out your uterus and throw it in the garbage disposal. That would teach those women to get a job!

At one time the DV movement (or so I believed) was attempting to solve a legitimate problem. Yes, some spouses are abusive (both male and female). At this point, it's become something else: a socially approved way for women to abuse or kill their spouses/SOs and get away scot free. The movement is becoming careless and its motives are becoming apparent. Women are letting slip what they really want.

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This female author is revealing why so many women in industrialized countries want to get married. They want men to perform for them, notably to support them financially. If we don't do that, they are furious. They think any retaliation is then appropriate, including murder. They fail to see that the economy is tough these days, that it's difficult to get a good job. They see only the fact that they don't get what they want. They are so blinded by their own desire to be taken care of, like children, that they have no idea that their selfish behavior is very unbecoming. Any man who sees the big picture, who really understands what marriage has become these days, will have nothing to do with it. And many of us men are wary of even getting into romantic relationships with women as well. Someday women like this author will understand that they reap what they sow. But for now, the name of the game is blame everything on the man (notice how nobody is talking about the mental problems of the Vietnamese woman who cut off her husband's penis).

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She's getting very flustered and defensive.

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The article was flagged to gather as hate speech. But don't think that will stop her. She'll just dismiss it as an overreaction and keep hating as per usual, I'm sure. she doesn't seem the type to accept other opinions if they conflict with her own personal reality

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I tried setting up an account but the site keeps telling me my e-mail is invalid.

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