Example of great results from men's rights protest in San Diego for battered men

From Marc A.:

Summary: A few years ago NCFM and others picketed outside the the San Diego Domestic Violence Council's event to protest their neglect of male victims and female perpetrators. Back then, the silhouettes of dead victims pictured below and in the link above were only of females murdered by their partners. The link also has pics of the protest. Now, as you can see from the pics of NCFM at the recent San Diego “Hope in the Park” Domestic Violence Prevention Month, two of the five silhouettes represent male victims murdered by their partners, including female partners. Thank you NCFM! And thank you Dr. Dawn Griffith, President of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council, Kent Peters, Director of Catholic Social Ministries, and Chesley Blevins of the County Office of Crime Prevention, for doing what is right.

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thanks largely to the good work of opened minded people like Dr. Dawn Griffith , President of the San Diego Domestic Violence Council ; Kent Peters, Director of Catholic Social Ministries, and Chesley Blevins of the County Office of Crime Prevention, the domestic violence industry in San Diego is much more aware of male victims. Hence the inclusion of the silhouettes of murdered men.

Event “Terms and Conditions” included a non discrimination clause prohibiting vendors and exhibitors from displaying or circulating information that implied or stated services provided would be restricted based on sex. The majority of people who visited our booth were from various service providers, virtually all of who were happy to see us and concerned about the absence of services for male victims in the county, including in the military. So, even though there is a heightened awareness of male victimology in San Diego there still exists a dearth of related services. Interestingly, two days later I took a call from a male victim who received some legal assistance from the YWCA!'

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