Biden Continues to Warn of Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Isn't Passed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today, Biden reiterated his warning at an event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.“The other thing I’ve heard from my friends who oppose this – this whole jobs bill and this – that this is just temporary," Biden said. "Well let me tell you, it’s not temporary when that 911 call comes in and a woman’s being raped if a cop shows up in time to prevent the rape, it’s not temporary to that woman. It’s not temporary to the guy whose store is being held up and a gun is being pointed to his head. If a cop shows up and he’s not killed, that’s not temporary to that store owner. Give me a break, temporary! I wish these guys that thought it was temporary, I wish they had some notion what it’s like to be on the other side of a gun or a 200 pound man standing over you telling you to submit. Folks, it matters. It matters!”

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Biden's sick ravings really seals it for me. I would vote for the devil over almost any democratic candidate. The democratic party has to fall or they'll drag America and the world down.

And I don't forget the Republican's role as the "go-along" party.

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In America it seems to be Party first, then Country, then Men.

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It's all about pols' interests. Donors first since they fund the campaigns, then pandering to voters' prejudices because they do the electing, so IMO, it's Donors, women generally, then a lot of other sub groupings, and finally men (so much so that we hardly even gain explicit consideration). The thing men are doing wrong is that we are not organizing as a voting bloc around our interests. Women got really good at this some years ago and until or unless we do the same, pols will continue to trample on us.

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And that is what feminism has done so well. Not only does it spin the line that women suffer systematic discrimimation, but it's also been very clever in telling men how privileged we are. Privileged groups wouldn't dare organise for the sake of their interests, so they keep their heads down and accept whatever penalties they have to face.

One of the main aims of the MRM, here in Britain and in the US, must be to raise awareness of exactly how underprivileged the average man is. Only then will men seek to organise effectively.

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