Taiwan: Woman cuts off husband's penis

Story here. Excerpt:

'The woman allegedly told police she felt no regret about what she had done to her husband, who is 29 years old, jobless and a known user of illegal drugs.

Police said she claimed to have suffered beatings even though she had worked at a local karaoke shop to support the family since the pair married two years ago.

Her husband's affair with another woman, which he did not attempt to hide, prompted her revenge, the suspect said, according to police.'

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"12 years"? Seriously? She sexually mutilated this man, and 12 years is the maximum jail term she can face? Wow.... I wonder what a man would get for cutting off a woman's clitoris. I doubt it would only be 12 years. It really bothers me how most nations trivialize such an act, and only label it as "assault" and not "sexual assault", like it should be classified. I have to give the state of California credit. At least, they consider such an act to be torture, which could get one life in prison. If only the rest of the world cared enough about men to make the penalty the same. Maybe these psychotic wastes of skin would think twice before committing the worst act one can do to another.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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This woman has no remorse about her crime of sexual mutilation in part because our culture teaches only women's desires matter. it doesn't matter that this guy won't be able to have sex for the rest of his life. On the other hand, it does matter A LOT that he frustrated her dream of a happy marriage by having an affair.

We see this pattern everywhere. Men are supposed to give up their personal desires (to become a mountain climber for example) in order to support the woman's desires (to have a family, pay down a mortgage, etc.). To have our own desires is, for men, considered to be immature, at the very least. If giving up my life objectives so that I can support some selfish woman, who doesn't even have remorse after a crime such as this, if that's what it means to "grow up," then I'm not "growing up," ever.

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