The 'silent taboo' of suicide among young men in the UK
Article here. Excerpt:
'Every year, more than 5,000 people in the UK take their own lives – and 22 per cent of them are men aged between 16 and 24. In the 20 to 24 age group, men are four times more likely to kill themselves than women. Suicide is the commonest cause of death among men under 35. ‘It’s one of the few things that men are better at than women,’ says David Trickey, a consultant clinical psychologist and specialist in traumatic bereavement. ‘And because of the way in which they try to kill themselves, they are more likely to succeed.’
Suicidal men are 18 times more likely than suicidal women to shoot themselves. They are also at least three times more likely to hang themselves or throw themselves under a train (whereas women are more likely than men to take an overdose). Jane Powell, director of the Campaign Against Living Miserably (Calm), a national organisation that reaches out to young men at risk of suicide, believes the shocking absoluteness of such deaths is ‘wrapped up in their thinking that it is their final masculine act – and the final act of which they are in control.'
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‘It’s one of the few things that men are better at than women,’
Well with psychologists like this one spewing misandrist crap like that, no wonder.
No kidding! And what are all
No kidding! And what are all the things women are better at than men, exactly? I'm not implying that men are better at everything than women, but I'm sure the list of things women do better than men can't be any longer than the list of the reverse.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Nothing but...
...PC male-bashing, that's all. If the (male) psychologist in question took time to look around him he'd realize that the entire world as it is (vast distributions of electricity, infrastructure, health care, etc.) is largely the result of men's ingenuity and effort. In fact his entire field of endeavor was largely the creation of men. But he's too brainwashed to be bothered examining the facts of reality around him. It's a common condition known as Modern Nymphotropism.
Right U are, Matt
U make a solid point. It reminds me of a topic I was going to write a blog about. It was going to be titled "If you Hate Men so Much...", and go on to say that if people hate men so much, they can feel free to boycott the plethora of discoveries, inventions, and advances acheived by the male gender. That is, give up electricity, computers, physics, mathematics, using roads, or even living in a house (construction is still an overwhelmingly male occupation). Give up drinking clean water, listening to classical music, getting vaccinated, etc. It's astounding how often men's contributions to society are overlooked.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!