Harvard: Office of Sexual Assault Prevention Pushes for 'Enthusiastic Consent'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Under most legal definitions, forced sexual intercourse can be considered rape or sexual assault only when the victim said “no” or was incapable of doing so due to the influence of drugs or alcohol, according to Meier.

Meier said that she and other students on the committee hoped to push the University instead toward an “enthusiastic consent” model, in which an incident can be called rape in the absence of affirmative agreement.

“The only people who lose out in this model are the rapists,” said Lila S. Schreiber ’12, who had also intended to serve on the committee.

Meier said that she plans to discuss the stay on student involvement with Rankin, but she might eventually consider leading a “student protest” or “something more radical” than acting through administration-approved channels if she feels that student voices on this issue are not being heard.'

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A man's presumed guilty of rape if he can't prove she consented with enthusiasm--whatever that means. Of course, if she gives consent now, five minutes later she can change her mind. Whether she has to communicate that change of mind is unclear.

Women wouldn't want these rules if they had to play by them. If women had to prove consent or if a woman could be prosecuted for having sex with a drunk man, they'd want fairer rules. As it is, it's about prosecuting men only, so who cares if the rules are fair?

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How can consent not be consent? Apparently if this consent isn't "enthusiastic". But how enthusiastic is enthusiastic? If a woman jumps on you and rips your clothes off?

It is impossible to strictly define something as subjective as enthusiasm. How do you know how much enthusiam the woman really feels? Perhaps heart monitors could be employed so if a woman's heart rate drops below a certain level an alarm could be triggered and the police could respond. And of course alcohol is a no no. People do all sorts of things with "enthuaiasm" when drunk. How is sex so unique in that way compared to other activities?

And of course this is where feminism starts to look like puritanicalism. Demanding special limitations for sexual activity could under some feminist codes be called misogynystic. You read it here first. Feminism = misogyny...

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I concur Sir Prince.

In fact, feminism is kind of like Neverland for women. It treats them like they never become adults. It's a doctrine that states that women are incapable of doing the simplest things, like earning their own money after divorce, being able to decide what consent is, and also that they need a ton of special treatment just to get by in society. That is, that women apparently are so incapable, that they can only get by with handouts and preferential treatment. Just another reason to hate feminism.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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