Joe Biden believes out-of-work men become murderers and rapists
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-10-12 22:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Vice President Joe Biden attempted to tie passage of the American Jobs Act to a decrease in murders and rapes in an appearance in Flint, Mich., Wednesday.
“In 2008, when Flint had 265 sworn officers on their police force, there were 35 murders and 91 rapes in this city,” Biden said, standing alongside city officials. “In 2010, when Flint had only 144 police officers, the murder rate climbed to 65 and rapes — just to pick two categories — climbed to 229. In 2011, you now only have 125 shields. God only knows what the numbers will be this year for Flint if we don’t rectify it.”'
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Honestly, at this point...
... I don't understand why he doesn't get a sex change operation.
There must have been some kind of incident during Biden's life that's made him such a man hater. Someone once told me his sister's used to beat him up when he was a kid.
I heard that, too
I also heard he was raised such that it was drilled into him that he should never strike a woman no matter what happens, what she does to him, etc. Undoubtedly his sister took advantage of this fact and just walloped away on him. I can only imagine what sort of bizarre psychological state vis-a-vis women and violence that this past has put him into.
if that is true about his sister
beating the he!! out of him on a regular basis,
then why hate men?
guess it gives a new dimension to men being called whupped puppies.
btw, i beieve he is the one who attached the i.m.b.r.a. to the v.a.w.a.
funding bill in the middle of the night, just before signing. that way nobody gets to read it,
and it just becomes law.
for the new folks here, i.m.b.r.a. is the internetional marriage brokerage reg. act that is
designed to stop/restrict the average man from going overseas for a wife or live in gf (short version). they use violence as an excuse for requiring all sorts of hoops to be jumped
by us before we can even date them thru an agency. u.s. is the only country to do this.
also, makes it extra expensive to partake in overseas dating.
guess amerikan womyn can't stand the competition. going online to the overseas
dating/marriage sites will quickly show you why.
Biden thinks women are weak and as a result he likes playing the role of the knight in shining armor riding his white horse to save the damsel in distress.
I recently read an article where Biden stated when he leaves public office he wants to focus his efforts on preventing violence against women. If you think he has a big mouth now, wait till he devotes all his time male bashing. Also, look for him to find a way to strengthen Title IX and systematically shut down more male teams. I can see it now, Biden touring college campuses calling men cowards while citing statistics from feminist groups.
I recently found out Biden has a son. One can only imagine what he taught him about male/female relationships.
Almost forgot. Biden wears hair plugs which is why he looks like an idiot.