'Scared' Boys Refuse to Play Teen Girl in High School Football Game

Article here. Excerpt:

'You'd think earning a spot as the first and only girl on your high school's football team would be the hard part. But Mina Johnson just can't catch a break. She sat out the Southampton Academy game last week because the boys from Northeast Academy refused to play against a girl.

That's right. The boys at Northeast are a bunch of backward-acting jerks who are afraid to face off against a girl. But can we talk for a minute about the actions of the Southampton Academy team? They weren't acting like one when they let Mina sit the bench and trotted out on the gridiron, that's for sure.
The story goes that Northeast threatened to forfeit if they had to play against Mina. So Mina said she'd sit out. The coach said she "deserved" to play and cited her work ethic and her success in past games, including sacking an opposing quarterback four times. But that's it. The Southampton boys played anyway, albeit with pink socks as a nod to Breast Cancer Awareness and her (which sounds like an afterthought if there ever was one). No one said, "You know what, screw this! If they want to forfeit, they can forfeit!"'

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They were probably afraid of what they would be called if something happened to her, like a serious injury. Either they are sissies because they can't play well against a girl or they are bullies because they can. They can't do anything right, in essence. That is the condition of boys (and men) generally in today's misandrist society. No winnin' for losin'.

Pink socks? You have got to be kidding me.

One thing that is galling me about all these breast cancer awareness activities is the sheer amount of money going to those raising the money but not to those actually doing the research. There seems to be a lot of money in the business of raising money for breast cancer research but not nearly as much as gets raised gets into it. Same thing goes for a lot of other causes celebres (AIDS research a while back, for example). Seems to get $1 million to actual research you need to raise $10 million, with the other $9 million going to "expenses". Just one example of the disparity between money actually going into the research vs. the coffers of the collectors of it is discussed here.

In any case, it's hard to imagine as much purple getting tossed around as pink gets when looking for cancer research campaigns, isn't it? Can't open a paper without seeing an ad for a breast cancer charity, but prostate cancer? Or most any other condition? Hard to find one that is touted as much as breast cancer all while coronary artery disease kills plenty of more people of both sexes than does breast cancer. It really is all about money and of course, pandering to a constituency.

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but goils don't belong on a football field w/ almost fully grown men.
you hit her too hard and she goes into a coma, and everybody will want mr. 240 lb. tackle's arse.
so, you aren't at full speed (100%) while playing football. that's a well known time to get hurt,
100% guaranteed. it changes the game, damages it, to where it isn't that game we love anymore.

i too would not have (back in the day) played against or on a football team with a woman on the
field. cheerleaders exempted, and how.

pink sock boys on the other team? she sacked the q.b. in a previous game? must be a really weak conference. still, it only takes one really hard hit to end a girl's career. at least, that's what coach always told us, in exactly those words. that's why you don't go half-speed in a game.

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It's smart enough to know there's no way to win. If you win you lose and if you lose you lose, for all the reasons given by other posters.

I checked out that site a bit. It's creepy in a way I can't quite define, sort of a National Enquirer written by a mom with a fascination for the macabre. Sugar and spice and everything nice with a dash of arsenic. Not sure if it reflects modern female consciousness or just the slightly off-kilter consciousness of the woman who runs it.

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Girls have no business playing physical team sports against boys. I would not allow my boys to play as El Cid said it is a lose-lose situation. And seriously, the girl can get hurt!

One thing I cannot understand is why with all the misguided concerns about safety and "you might get hurt" attitude and red-tape that prevents schools from doing all sorts of things... how does this issue slip through?

My neighbor got a call home from the school because she regularly packs soda pop in her son's lunch. The lunchroom supervisor called and told her to stop because she thought it to be unhealthy (her son is not overweight or hyperactive, and while it may be unhealthy, it is really none of the schools dam business). So I do not trust the school's judgement to decide what should be a allowed and what should not.

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