Petition For A Men's Section At The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post is an extensive online news site which contains sections for top stories, political news, sports, technology, entertainment and other common categories. There is also a section just for women, as well as for parents, divorcees, latinos, blacks, GLBTs... but, noticeably absent, there's no section for men. The purpose of this petition is to gather signatures in support of adding a men's section to the Huffington Post, which like the other specialized sections will offer news and articles written largely by members of it's target audience (namely: men) for that same audience. Once a reasonable number of signatures have been gathered, this petition will be presented to the editors of the AOL/Huffpo. The creator of this petition would like to further state that the focus of the proposed men's section should be substantial, relevant and informative content on important issues such as paternity, men's rights and issues, legal and political content relevant to men, and so on... not a vapid collection of articles about "babes, beer and gadgets".

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