Lott: Invisible Men
Article here. Wouldn't having female advocacy groups and no equivalent for men be a Title IX violation? Excerpt:
'Female Dartmouth students have access to more support than their male peers. Female advocacy groups at Dartmouth include Women in Business, the Society of Women’s Engineers, Women in Leadership and the Women in Science Program, which provides faculty mentors and paid internships to freshmen women. Link Up pairs first-year women with senior mentors. It’s unfair that men do not have similar opportunities for mentoring or support.
As hard as it may be to believe in light of the historical dominance of males, in many ways modern men are struggling a lot more than their female counterparts. Indeed, men aged 20 to 24 years old commit suicide 10 times as often as women of the same age. Men die younger than women and account for the clear majority of homeless adults. From 1995 to 2002, male college students were twice as likely as female students to be victims of violent crime. Yet, while the College devotes two weeks of every year to V-Time — a programming extension of the global V-Day movement to end violence against women — no campaign exists to reduce violence in men’s lives.
Men should be able to form advocacy groups without automatically being subject to unfavorable suspicions. Although an all-male “Proud to be a Man” dinner would surely garner a flurry of accusations, Dartmouth hosts an annual all-female “Proud to be a Woman” dinner.
While there’s nothing wrong with support groups or peer mentoring, the College may be going too far when it provides paid WISP internships to help women become more confident in male-dominated fields. If feminists really want to move away from traditional gender roles, they should be up in arms about women being viewed as needy and deserving of lots of special treatment.
Although women in this country face great challenges, they are in many ways doing better than men. Hopefully when people realize how very far we have come from the patriarchal societies of the past, they will accept that the problems of men deserve equal attention.'
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Close, but no cigar
The author of this piece is obviously a feminist who doesn't quite get it, but has something in the back of his mind gnawing away.
He's trying to have it both ways. He is wholly bought into feminism, yet is able to appreciate the rampant misandry that surrounds him. It's as if he can't quite bring himself to blame women and feminism, despite these clearly being the problem.
The comments to the article constitute the usual feminist doublespeak, with a few aware individuals here and there. Taking a wider view, perhaps we should segregate higher education by sex. In the present system women are an obstruction to men's rights and advancement, and are obviously opposed to any initiative to defend male education.
When reading the comments
When reading the comments after the actual article, some of them suggested that men are able and have equal access to funds to form support groups, but for some reason they don't. And awhile back they did have a support group but only a handful of men showed up. I don't know if there is any truth to this, but it seems that perhaps there is no force or bias that is preventing men from forming support groups.
MRAs may have to look deeper as to why men don't seek support, as I believe it would be beneficial.
Any attempt to create a support group for men results in a campaign against "the misogynists" that participate in that group. This scares a lot of people off, many before they even join the group. There was one men's group created that actually got attacked by the head of the gender "and women" studies program on a Jezebel.com article. Would you want to o up against this? especially now that mere accusations can end a man's academic career? The fact is, the current narrative doesn't allow for men's groups, it is the very issue feminists claimed women faced, IE, overt discrimination keeping their gender down, difference is, we're still hearing about how women are discriminated against, maintaining a stranglehold on the discourse and being used to silence any attempts for male attention.