No prostate test: 'Throwing baby out with bath water'

Article here. Excerpt:

'"[The] decision of no confidence on the PSA test by the U.S. government condemns tens of thousands of men to die this year and every year going forward if families are to believe the out-of-date evidence presented by the USPSTF," said Skip Lockwood, chief executive of ZERO, a group devoted to ending prostate cancer.

"A decision on how best to test and treat for prostate cancer must be made between a man and his doctor. This decision is coming from a panel that doesn't even include a urologist or medical oncologist."

Dr. Scott Eggener, an expert in prostate cancer from the University of Chicago, said the new recommendations, if adopted, would discourage men from getting prostate cancer screening.

Eggener said the move "is a classic example of 'throwing the baby out with the bath water.' A more sensible approach is to use all of our currently available tools to intelligently determine which patients are most likely to benefit from screening and treatment."'

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