Ex-model who killed, ate husband seeks parole
Submitted by Minuteman on Sat, 2011-10-01 04:32
Story here. Excerpt:
'Nelson, who worked as a part-time model and nanny in Egypt before immigrating to the US in 1986, killed her 56-year-old husband after just one month of marriage.
She then cooked his head on a stove, skinned his torso and fried his hands in oil, at their Costa Mesa unit in central California, reports the Daily Pilot news website.
Nelson then drove garbage bags filled with body parts to ex-boyfriends, asking them to help dispose of the evidence and offering a $75,000 reward for help.
Nelson, who was aged in her 20s at the time, told police she was under severe stress and claimed her husband often physically and sexually abused her.'
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Card Didn't Work?
Odd, why didn't the "abuse excuse" card work back then?
Her defense team obviously didn't play it correctly.
Also, the date of this misandric cannibal's savage rampage was more recent than 1986. The article says she flipped out in 1991.
I guess they couldn't figure out a way to incorporate the cooking of his head and hands as part of the self defense excuse.
Toucher. When I read the part of the article where she cries abuse, I instantly thought to myself, "if you killed him to stop his abuse, what was your motivation to eat his body?" This case is one we should throw in the face of any naive girl out there who thinks women never abuse men, except in self defense. What a load of hogwash!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
Abuse excuse makes no sense
If the husband was such an abuser, why would she marry him? Seems like she just wanted his money. And she could inherit after only one month of marriage, so time to get rid of the guy.