Massachusetts Sets Limits on Alimony

Article here. Excerpt:

'BOSTON—Alimony isn't forever in Massachusetts anymore.

The state abolished most lifetime spousal support Monday, joining several states where alimony payments have come under scrutiny as payers argue they are struggling in the rocky economy

Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick signed a measure that generally ends alimony when the payer reaches retirement age or when the recipient begins living with a romantic partner.

The law also establishes a formula for alimony, based on the length of the marriage. For example, alimony would generally last no more than 10½ years following a 15-year marriage.
The law has been changed to "reflect the fact that both parties, more often than not, are working outside the home and there are more opportunities for people, women in particular…and that people need to have laws that really do allow them to end their relationship both in terms of living together and financially at some reasonable point after divorce," said Democratic state Sen. Gale Candaras, a lead sponsor of the bill.'

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