Stress the 'Human' in HPV, One Man Suggests

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fred Wyand has been in a prime spot to watch the evolution of the public health response to human papillomavirus, or HPV.

Since 2003, Wyand has served as editor of HPV News, a bimonthly newsletter published by the American Social Health Association. The newsletter has been around since the 1990s.

HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that most people associate with genital warts, a temporary but somewhat repugnant condition. But the more dangerous potential side effects of HPV infection are not as well known, Wyand said.
Early on, there was some controversy when parents objected to having girls of 12 or 13 inoculated for a sexually transmitted disease, but those arguments have mostly faded, Wyand said.
"There has been a lot of back and forth about using the vaccine in men," he said. "There's a medical indication for using it in men, but when you look at it and consider that cervical cancer is probably the most prominent cancer linked with HPV, people say, 'Well, would we be better served taking those resources and using them to get more and more women vaccinated?'"'

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