Woman Faces Charges in Horrific Child Abuse Case
(Warning: Graphic Content)
Story here. Excerpt:
'GILBERT, Ariz. - A Gilbert woman is accused of sexual conduct with a minor -- her 10-year-old adopted son.
According to police, the victim told them that his 39-year-old mother bound his hands and feet, forced dog excrement into his mouth and duct taped it shut.
The victim added that she burned his penis with a lighter, then sodomized him repeatedly with a toothbrush. Police say there was another incident where Jennifer Barnes repeatedly burned the victim's penis with a curling iron. In both cases, the victim bled.
During a physical exam, it was discovered that the child had large scars on his pelvic area and legs, consistent with healed burns. He also had three distinct scars, consistent with his disclosure of being sodomized.
She was arrested and faces sexual conduct with a minor and child abuse charges. She remains in custody without bond.'
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Similar sentiments, only no boyfriend to talk about.
Joe Biden
A remember him recently saying domestic violence is the worst type of abuse. Try telling that to this little boy.
Has anyone ever noticed you constantly hear politicians and law makers talk about domestic abuse but rarely hear them discuss child abuse? This is because feminists have decided a woman's well being is more important then a child's.
Are you aware that there is a passage in the 1994 VAWA guidelines for hawaii (presumably, it's in all of them, it's just the Hawaii version is the only one I've managed to see) that stipulates Vawa/STOP funding can not be used for the benefit of children unless it first and foremost benefits women. I'll try to post the relevant link and passage when I get home from work.
Found a more recent example.
Found an example of the 2009 Stop Funding limitations
Page 66
Section 2
Service Specifications
I. Introduction
G. Limitations on STOP Program Funding
"With certain exceptions, STOP Program funded services must be specific to adult victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or dating violence.
• Children’s services supported by STOP Program funds must show an inextricable link and be the direct result of providing services to an adult victim of violence against women. For example, STOP Program funds may support the expansion of battered women’s shelter services to include programs for children of the battered women residing in the shelter."
Yes, you are reading that right... Under the current VAWA STOP funding guidelines, CHILDREN MAY NOT BE HELPED unless there is a direct link to helping women too.
"• Male victims may receive services under a STOP Program funded project as long as the agency’s primary focus is on efforts to stop violence against women."
And just for clarification, male victims are still discriminated against, as only shelters may only get funding to help men if they also help women (but the reverse need not be true).