Man sued by mother for parental support
Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2011-09-21 17:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'A B.C. man who was abandoned as a teenager is being sued by his elderly mother for parental support.
Ken Anderson, 47, has been fighting a lawsuit by his mother, Shirley Anderson, 73, since 2000.
Shirley, who has not had a relationship with Ken or his two siblings for decades, is asking for $750 per month in support from each of them.
A rarely used section of B.C.'s Family Relations Act says adult children are responsible for legally supporting parents who are "dependent on a child because of age, illness, infirmity or economic circumstances."
The B.C. Law Institute recommended repealing the section in a 2007 report.'
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Not just wives, ex-wives, and palimony girlfriends
That's right guys, all sorts of women are looking at you like you are a cash-cow. Doesn't matter if you are just a truck driver, and you have your own family to support. You are viewed as the bank because you're a man. These women are after your wallet, and they don't even have to be your lover, or ex-lover. You're a man, you have a certain biology, that's all, and it means that you have to pay... cases like this make me sick to my stomach.
This bullshit about men taking on way too much responsibility, and taking care of women, financially and otherwise, has been going on for over 100 years. See the link below from 1908 [it's long but worth it, especially the analogy about the fish]. Same bullshit - the law holds men responsible for women. It's been that way for 100+ years, and we still have to deal with these anti-male sexist laws. Where the fuck are the lawyers defending men?