What Does President Obama Mean For Men?
Article here. Excerpt:
'President Barack Obama might as well say, "Let me be clear: Although I don't go to bat for men, I certainly do for women." His going to bat for women is aptly demonstrated by his immediate signing off on the White House Council on Women and Girls* and on what I call his "Ledbetter Payback Act," in reference, of course, to the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which I believe is a promised payback to feminists and women for their vote.
To date, no evidence indicates that Obama will single out men for help in any direct and selective way. For men, so far, Barack Obama represents business as usual.
To truly grasp President Obama's bias against men (just as some women are biased against women), reflect on his Father's Day speech about men “shirking their responsibility” in the world of children. Now picture Obama's speech with a gender reversal, not a reversal in which women shirk responsibility in the world of children — for that would not be a true reversal -- but one in which women shirk responsibility in the world of work. Suppose that on Mother's Day 2009 Obama had the brazenness, the insanity, to rail against mothers who refuse to work or who don't return to work after a reasonable period of maternity leave. Suppose he said, “These mothers have abandoned their responsibilities. They are acting like girls instead of women. And the foundations of our families have suffered because of it. You and I know this is true everywhere but nowhere is it more true than in the African-American community.” How fast would Democrats turn on him, disowning and ostracizing him from the Democratic Party? Of course, none of this would ever happen. Obama, like all presidents before him, knows with great certainty which gender of the ox to gore for political purposes.'
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And Mr. O's reward?
Re: And Mr. O's reward?
That's hilarious. Some of the women in the white house can't compete with the men, so they claim Obama is making a hostile environment because he doesn't specifically call on them. The sad part is, Obama will learn the wrong lesson from this. The lesson he should learn is, there are no pleasing feminists, you give them an inch, they take a mile and then demand another inch. What he'll likely learn is he's not friendly enough to women and need to give more.