Funding Opportunities Update from The Office on Women’s Health (OWH)‏

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'You are subscribed to Funding Opportunities from The Office on Women’s Health (OWH). This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Request for Proposals (RFP)
09/15/2011 12:00 AM EDT

Funding is available for activities and events in support of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD...

Request for Proposals (RFP): Heart Attack Symptoms and Calling 9-1-1 Campaign for Women
09/12/2011 12:00 AM EDT

Funding is available for activities and events in support of the Heart Attack Symptoms and Calling 9-1-1 Campaign for...

Women's Health Conference Support Request for Proposals (RFP)
09/01/2011 12:00 AM EDT

This funding opportunity provides partial support for women's health conferences in the United States and its affilia...

Request for Proposals (RFP): National Evaluation of BodyWorks: A Toolkit for Healthy Teens and Strong Families
08/05/2011 12:00 AM EDT

Funding is available to participate in a national evaluation of the newly modified BodyWorks program. Targeting paren...

FY11 Sustainable Comprehensive Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Clinical
Program for Low Socio-economic Status Women of Childbearing Age

06/15/2011 12:00 AM EDT

The purpose of this project is to implement and to evaluate the success of tobacco cessation and prevention programs...

Prevention and Public Health Fund Coordinated Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Program
06/10/2011 12:00 AM EDT

The purpose of the program is to establish or strengthen Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Programs wit...

OVC FY 2011 National Field-Generated Training, Technical Assistance, and Demonstration Projects (PDF, 246 KB )
05/19/2011 12:00 AM EDT

Funding is available for proposals that will create, test, and evaluate equal access to traditional and mainstream...

Regional Offices on Women's Health (OWH) Request for Applications (RFA): Addressing Tobacco Use Among Young Women (PDF, 42 KB)
02/23/2011 11:00 PM EST

Funding is available for activities and events in support of projects that address the prevention of tobacco use amon...

Request for Applications (RFA): Addressing Depression Among Racial and Ethnic Minority or Underserved Women and Girls (PDF, 90 KB)
01/10/2011 11:00 PM EST

This funding will support projects which address depression as a health disparity affecting racial and ethnic minorit...

Request for Applications (RFA): Reducing Health Disparities by Preventing Obesity among Minority and Underserved Women and Girls (PDF, 94 KB)
01/10/2011 11:00 PM EST

This funding is available for activities and events in support of projects that address obesity prevention in minorit...

Request for Applications (RFA): Women's Health Conference Support Projects (PDF, 38 KB)
11/17/2010 11:00 PM EST

This RFA is coordinated by John Snow, Inc. (JSI) on behalf of the HHS Office on Women's Health (OWH). Funding will pr...

Heart Attack Symptoms and Calling 9-1-1 Campaign for Women (PDF, 129 KB)

This funding is available for activities and events in support of the Heart Attack Symptoms and Calling 9-1-1 Campa...

Building Systems of Prevention through Health Promotion for Women and Girls (PDF, 53 KB)
10/22/2010 12:00 AM EDT

This funding will support projects that build systems of prevention through the promotion of health for women and g...'

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