The 'Men are finished' issue set for debate
Some background:
The Last Days of the American Male
'Hanna Rosin's 2010 Atlantic cover story, "The End of Men," was one of the most talked-about magazine articles in recent years. "Man has been the dominant sex since, well, the dawn of mankind," wrote Rosin, an award-winning journalist for Slate and the Atlantic. "But for the first time in human history, that is changing—and with shocking speed."
That shift, she says, hasn't showed signs of slowing in the past year. And that's why she'll debate for the motion that "men are finished" during the Sept. 20 live Slate/Intelligence Squared U.S. debate at NYU.
Oh, Come On, Men Aren't Finished
'Meanwhile, men continue to file more than 90 percent of patent applications. They drive innovation in technology—and not just with basic hardware. Bill Gates achieved global dominance by designing computers with a friendly, approachable interface. Steve Jobs displaced him by creating elegant, intuitive super-machines that were small enough to fit into an evening bag. A guy named Doug came up with the touchy-feely idea of the mouse. The social network is dominated by women but it was invented by Mark Zuckerberg.'
The Debate, to be broadcast:
How you can watch—and participate in—the live Slate/Intelligence Squared debate on Sept. 20 at NYU
'Ladies, give yourself a night off from your second job as an astronaut or neurosurgeon. Men, take a break from your fantasy football league to see if you can save yourself. Join us at NYU's Skirball Center in New York City for an Oxford-style live debate. ABC News Legal Analyst Dan Abrams and Hanna Rosin, award-winning journalist for Slate and the Atlantic, will argue for the motion that "men are finished." Feminist scholar Christina Hoff Sommers and Men's Health magazine editor-in-chief David Zinczenko will argue against it.'
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Why is this even happening when it's so obviously false?
One of the articles explains it nicely at http://www.slate.com/id/2303907/pagenum/2:
'Why, then, are we even having a debate about man's demise? Because we're living in a society that's enamored with the "WAW", or "Women are Wonderful" phenomenon. WAW, a kind of reverse female chauvinism, is everywhere. Magazines, TV shows, newspapers, and even scholarly journals run endless stories and articles claiming women are the better sex. Women, we are told, are superior leaders and communicators. They're also more charitable, empathetic, and noble than men. The rules of the WAW game make it impossible for men to win: If women do something better than men, that is evidence of their superiority. If men outperform women, that's proof of invidious discrimination against the fairer sex.'
The results of this 'debate' are almost certainly a foregone conclusion. It's all about hot-button gender-identification crap. It could take on any number of different forms but ultimately this will be yet another display of nymphotropism at work. "All for woman" as one guy I once knew put it. Without a single page of grounding in men's rights activism, he hit the nail on the head.
Christina Hoff Sommers
She currently working on a follow up to -- The War Against Boys. If you haven't read it, check it out!
That's why...
...I choose to ignore the whining chauvinists we call women.
And why are men even participating in this ludicrous debate? By taking part they are giving it a legitimacy it doesn't even deserve.
Go your own way boys. Just ignore women.
such disrespect
" The social network is dominated by women but it was invented by Mark Zuckerberg."
Omg, that is the best frickin line!
Anyways It's kinda sad that Hanna would boast about a new world and the end of men when it would be men who made this "new world" possible.
It's like she's trying to keep off someone else's back while calling them obsolete...
Rosin's children
Doesn't Ms. Rosin have children, including two boys?
God knows what they must think hearing their own mother writing off the entire male sex.
What will Rosin's children think when grown?
I'm curious as to what Ms. Rosin's children think when they're grown! Will they reject her bigotry? Will they embrace it? Like a cult member? Or will they be embarrassed to even have her as a mother?
she is abusive towards her boy
She's probably overbearing and hurts his self esteem.
I only know of one boy. He was used in Hannah's video to speaking in defense of males, from the idea that their being phased out. The boy was even told that girls do better in school, behave better, etc... How can a young boy defend himself against such contrived arguments supported by his own mother? It pissed me off so much.
I largely saw that video as a public display of child abuse. Who knows what she says to him off the camera.
I can't believe that troll was at the boys initiative (or something similar)...
You forgot to mention that when he tried to speak up for himself and boys, he was told to be silent and let his sister speak, by his own father, and then was never given the chance to rebut. But when he was speaking, the sister then spoke over him and was allowed to do so.