Did feminist groups derail the stimulus bill?

Article here. Excerpt:

'American women are resourceful. In the business world alone, women have racked up impressive gains, earning three times as many college degrees and doubling the female presence in the workplace compared to forty years ago. In the realm of entrepreneurship, the adult American female is leaving the male in her dust, starting up businesses four times faster than men.
Even though 80 percent of the 5.7 million jobs lost over the first eighteen months of the recession were held by men, cries for more jobs for women arose from a feminist group calling itself "WEAVE" (Women's Equality Adds Value to the Economy). The group's complaints were bolstered by the National Organization for Women, Feminist Majority, Institute for Women's Policy Research, and National Women's Law Center. Members of the super-coalition slammed Obama for pushing a "Macho Stimulus Plan" packed with "testosterone-laden 'shovel-ready'" lingo that focused on "jobs for burly men." Rumor has it that the ladies also objected to the President speaking in deep masculine tones when talking about shovels and stuff.

But jobs would be the last thing that anyone should look for from the web of illogic, misinformation, and tribalistic dogma that pervades women's groups' arguments. Gender "fairness" pusher and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis admits to huge gains by women in the workplace--at the expense of men--and then but a breath later calls for more help to close the "gender gap" between men and women. The feminist group, WEAVE, stares down evidence of men losing jobs at a rate four times faster than women and cries foul when government "stimulus" aims to restore the lost male jobs. Tribal credo, not reality, rules the gender warrior's thinking.'

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