UK: Labour sisters to oust men in women-only session at party conference

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men will be banned from a session of this year's Labour Party conference in what is described as an "uprising" by female members. Ed Miliband, in his first conference as leader, will be the only man allowed into the auditorium in Liverpool to address the "What Women Want" meeting.
Presiding over the event will be the party's most senior women, including the deputy leader, Harriet Harman, the Shadow Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, the Labour leader in the Lords, Baroness Royall, and the Shadow Attorney General, Baroness Scotland.

The move is likely to be controversial among some members who believe that the party's policy development should not be drawn up along gender lines, but that all members should have a say. There will be formal resolutions based on suggestions from female members, who are being invited to the platform to put their case on education, childcare, the economy and the NHS, as well as party rules.

Mr Miliband is expected to make a short speech before opening up the floor to women.

One demand that is expected to be passed is the proposal by Ms Harman for there always to be a woman in Labour's leadership, either as deputy or as leader – a move some traditionalists have protested against.
A senior Labour source said: "It will be an open mic event – Harriet, Yvette and others are simply presiding over an uprising. Ed will be there as an honorary woman.'

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