National Education Association Endorses Feminist Goals
Article here. Excerpt:
'The annual convention of the National Education Association in Chicago this year again passed a bunch of feminist resolutions. For example, Resolution I-61 again put the NEA on record as endorsing the long-dead Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The ERA was debated for ten years, 1972 to 1982 and rejected by the American people, but the NEA is trying to resurrect it. The NEA urges its affiliates to continue to support ratification of this amendment.
The NEA supports full funding for the Women’s Educational Equity Act. That’s a feminist boondoggle to funnel taxpayers’ money into radical feminist organizations. The NEA endorses the use of non-sexist language. That means rewriting textbooks to censor out so-called sexist words like man, woman, husband, wife, boy, girl, and even he and she.
NEA Resolution F-2 calls for the adoption of another feminist goal called Comparable Worth. That means getting rid of “market value” as the guide for establishing salary range and replacing it with government commissions of feminists who will subjectively decide that women’s jobs are “worth” more than other jobs held mostly by men.'
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The NEA needs to go. It is
The NEA needs to go. It is a political group that has been allowed to control our public schools. The NEA has more interest in pushing their political agenda then it does on education.
They are constantly re-writing curricula to reflect what they want it to reflect and wasting taxpayer money.
If you ever get the chance to get your hands on old textbooks, do so before everything gets re-written.
And this resolution F-2 sounds like they want to set their own salary. Get rid of free market value = not good.
Watch out for NEA they are a homeschoolers nemesis.
For those that don't know, NEA is National Education Association. They are the largest organize labor union in the United States. I believe that all state educational unions funnel into NEA. They are considered one of the largest political forces in the USA and they have complete control of our children (if kids go to public school). They do not like kids to escape the public educational system because they loose funding if enrollment drops and then would loose political power.
They fight charter and homeschooling laws because homeschoolers take funding and control away from them. They even want to expand their control by introducing "free" pre-school as part of the public school system . Do not be fooled. this has nothing to do with helping preschoolers, they only want more funding and more control. (a better system would be to give parents a credit or a voucher towards privately run preschool of the parent's choice - so that the free market could still prevail)
NEA is pro-feminist, anti-parent, pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality
Duplicate comment -removed
(this was a duplicate comment of my comment below - don't know how it happened)
One more rant on NEA
One more rant on NEA. Did I mention all their causes are publicly funded?
It works like this. We all pay taxes to pay for our local schools wether we use public schools or not. The collected tax money pays for education including teachers salaries. Teachers are part of a labor union and pay MANDATORY union dues that are deducted from their paychecks. So the taxpayers fund the teachers, the teachers fund the state unions and the state unions fund the national union which is NEA. (and remember this funding is not a choice it is forced)
NEA was expected to bring in $358 million in 2010-11 and as much as 40% will be used to fund their political agendas.