Colleges Forced to Redefine Speech and Assault Codes, Destroy Civil Liberties

Article here. Excerpt:

'Take, for example, Stanford University. Once Stanford got OCR's letter, it changed the standard of evidence during a student's case from "beyond a reasonable doubt" (say, 98-99 percent certainty) to the "preponderance" standard.

'You might not be surprised to learn that the student was found guilty. You might be surprised, though, about the training materials provided to jurors in sexual assault cases at Stanford. These instruct jurors that being "persuasive and logical" is a sign of guilt, that they should be "very, very cautious in accepting a man's claim that he has been wrongly accused of abuse or violence," and that maintaining neutrality is equivalent to siding with the accused.

So much for neutrality and the presumption of innocence. Too many schools, as Peter Berkowitz argued in the Wall Street Journal, presume "male guilt" according to the doctrine that "the American political order is designed to oppress the weak; that racial minorities and women, whether they realize it or not, are victims; and that the truth, except for the first two propositions, is infinitely malleable."

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