Ambrose: Thwarting justice an ultra-feminist aim

Article here. Excerpt:

'That's repugnant, and something else that's repugnant is certain ideologically inane women's groups telling us we shouldn't even be discussing the maid's credibility. These ultra-feminists are forever arguing that women accusers are always truly victims, are always right, and that the male defendants are always guilty, are always wrong. How far a distance is that from someone saying he is an Aryan and you are a Jew and therefore he is a real human and you are not?

I do not deny generations of mistreating women, but swinging from one extreme to another is multiplying error, not erasing it. If members of these groups fall short of Nazi ambitions, they're still in the camp that would happily ruin lives on the basis of infantile generalities. Right now, the Obama administration is insisting that universities work even harder on the goal. To find out more, listen to Peter Berkowitz.

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece, this fellow at Hoover Institution tells how the Education Department is advising universities to disregard due process in deciding the fate of male students accused of sexual assault. Universities more concerned about federal lucre than ethics should listen up to even the nastiness that says the accused male student should not be allowed to cross-examine the female witness.'

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