SAVE: Remove Campus Policy that Strips Men of the Presumption of Innocence
From SAVE:
On April 4, the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights ordered every university that accepts federal funds to use a "preponderance (51%) of evidence" standard in evaluating allegations of sexual offense.
Campus procedures are not criminal ones, so the accused do not enjoy Constitutional protections. Now, jilted lovers can ruin the lives of teachers and students with false allegations of rape.
Two units of the prestigious American Association of University Professors have spoken out against this new policy:
1. Gregory F. Scholtz, Director of the Department of Academic Freedom, Tenure, and Governance
2. Ann E. Green, Chair of the AAUP's Committee on Women in the Academic Profession and AAUP President Cary Nelson
And this past Sunday the Wall Street Journal published a searing editorial, charging, "In short, universities are institutionalizing a presumption of guilt in sexual assault cases" (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903596904576516232905230642.html)
We are now asking you to politely contact the Department of Education and tell it to remove its sex assault policy that strips due process from the accused.
Contact Ms. Russlyn Ali, Assistant Secretary, Office for Civil Rights:
Telephone: 202-453-5900
Email: russlynn.ali@ed.gov
Please contact Russlyn Ali today. Every day that passes with this policy in place means more false accusations and more ruined reputations.
For more information about SAVE's new activism project visit CAMP - Countering Abuse Misinfo Project - at http://www.saveservices.org/camp.
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
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