"The Flipside Of Feminism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Author Suzanne Venker, a Warson Woods resident recently transplanted from Kirkwood, has some words of advice for freshmen co-eds entering college in a few weeks: Stay away from the women's studies classes.
Venker's book and her outspoken commentary have garnered plenty of kudos from the likes of Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, David Limbaugh and more. She has appeared before the conservative Heritage Foundation and is scheduled for an appearance on "Fox & Friends," a morning show on Rupert Murdoch's cable television news channel.

"I advise college students to read about successful women, not about all this victimhood," said Venker. "My favorite thing to do is to speak to college audiences to give them a different view from what they get from their professors.

"I don't ask the students to accept what I say now," added Venker. "I just want them to be exposed to the truth. Some day down the road a light may go off in their heads, when reality sets in, and they realize they've been told a lot that is not true."'

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