Senator Wright Meets with F & F's CA Leaders; F & F Supporter Forces TX AG’s Office to Apologize to Son
Newsletter here. Excerpt:
'California Senator Rod Wright (pictured) and his legislative director Stan DiOrio held a phone conference with two dozen of Fathers and Families’ California leaders on Wednesday.
Beginning in 1996, Senator Wright has taken up the cause of family court reform and fought to bring justice to a very unjust system. He sponsored four family court reform bills last year, all of which passed and were signed by Governor Schwarzenegger, and he’s introduced three more this year. Last December we gave him our “California Senator of the Year Award 2010.”
Both Wright and DiOrio praised Fathers and Families’ work and said that we’ve helped change the political balance of power on family court issues in Sacramento. However, they both made it clear that there is much more to be done, and they want to see F & F continue to grow and build its organizational strength.'
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