Antifeminists To Stand On Trial In Switzerland


From (translation to English here)

The Swiss Antifeminists in IG-Antifeminismus and Verein Antifeministen wanted to publish the addresses to the Women´s Shelters in Switzerland on the Internet. They are therefore to stand on trial. The Main Session is on Thursday, 15 September 2011 at 2 PM

Comment by Ulf:
What I don´t understand, is, how you can stand on trial for wanting to publish addresses - without actually doing it?

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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If you buy a mask and a baseball bat and tell your boss you're coming around to break his legs - and the cops get to you first - you'll do time. You are planning to commit an illegal act and were apprehended before you could complete it.

Personally I agree with these guys getting into trouble - at least based on what I can see in this article. I know I don't write too often on this board, but to make it clear I'm committed to mens rights and equality - I don't want us to have more rights than women, I just want us to have the same ones. I don't think it's wrong that women's shelters exist, far from it I think they are often essential. My own partner was nearly killed by an ex partner who went berserk one night, my sister had a husband pull a knife on her and threaten to kill her if she left with their son. I've known many women who are (or were) terrified of their partner or ex partner and had no easy way to escape.

men are sometimes horrendously violent and possessive, and women sometimes have no option but to flee to a shelter. Some of these men would undoubtedly hurt those women if they could find them.

So yes, I think it's wrong that they would plan to publish those addresses. No good would come of it, and at best you'd have upset a whole bunch of women and children who didn't need to be scared all over again. At worst you'd have someone stabbed or killed because of it.

I have argued and will continue to argue for the right of men to the same protections and places of safety. I have experienced violence and aggression from women in my own life, I have a friend who had a tiny, petite girlfriend 'get off' on smashing him in the face, until eventually he came to his senses and left her. I've seen women attack men horrendously on the news and in my community. I, like most of you guys, am horrified by the latest trend of women who feel slighted feeling they have the right - nay, the god-damned duty - to cut off his penis and turn it to mincemeat, because he failed to completely and utterly satisfy her needs.

But none of that negates the fact that men do the same, and worse, at times. And women and children need to sometimes run from them, and be safe.

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I'm not sure I understand the article as well as you do (do you speak the language it's published in?), but what is the crime they are being charged with? Are the shelters in Switzerland not public? Can their addresses not be found with an internet search of phone call?

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