Making ‘cents’ of Title IX at UGA
Article here. Excerpt:
'Though NCAA rules require men’s tennis programs to share the equivalency of 4.5 scholarships between the team, it allows female squads eight full rides.
“I’ve had defending NCAA champions on a partial scholarship,” men’s tennis head coach Manuel Diaz said. “While it’s not likely for any top men’s program to have a tennis player on a full scholarship, just about everybody on the women’s side does.”
And the inequality extends beyond the tennis court.
In every sport played by both men and women, the University’s female athletes average $7,151 a year in scholarships more than their male counterparts, according to numbers reported to the NCAA.
But associate athletic director Carla Williams said this wasn’t a choice made by the University.
“I think it’s a result of the rules we have to play in,” she said in reference to the NCAA’s scholarship limitations. “If we were allowed to give eight full scholarships to our male student athletes in tennis, then we would. … We go to the limit with what we can do [in every sport] and that’s the best we can do.”'
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