Dramatic Increase in ER Visits for Drug-Related Suicide Attempts by Males Aged 21 to 34

Report here. What isn't asked is why did all these guys need to get on antideps, etc. in the first place? I can imagine several factors, the lousy job market being a big one. Being an MRA however, you can bet I can think of a few more! [It's even higher for Iraq/Afghan war vets, too, as I am sure you already know, but this is so even for college students.] Report highlights:

'In 2009, there were 77,971 emergency department (ED) visits for drug-related suicide attempts among males. By age group, the number of ED visits for drug-related suicide attempts among males aged 21 to 34 increased 54.6 percent between 2005 (19,024 visits) and 2009 (29,407 visits). Among males aged 21 to 34, the number of visits involving pain relievers showed a statistically significant increase of 60.2 percent (from 7,185 to 11,509 visits), the number of visits involving antidepressants increased 155.2 percent (from 1,519 to 3,876 visits), and the number of visits involving drugs that treat anxiety or insomnia increased 93.4 percent (from 5,018 to 9,706 visits). Between 2005 and 2009, narcotic pain reliever involvement in ED visits for suicide attempts almost doubled among visits made by males aged 35 to 49 (from 2,380 to 4,270 visits) and almost tripled among visits made by males aged 50 or older (from 882 to 2,589 visits).'

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