Genital Autonomy conference in UK Aug 30/Sep 1
Originally posted here.
Members of UK registered charity NORM-UK (restoration and phimosis help) are assisting with the planning for a two-day conference being presented jointly by UK registered charity Genital Autonomy (working for male and female bodily integrity rights) and the Keele University School of Law, to be held on 31st August and 1st September. This will deal with the legal and human rights issues surrounding unnecessary genital surgery on children.
The details are on the following link:
The conference programme is reproduced below.
We have an impressive selection of speakers including Gert Van Dijk who has drafted the position statement on male circumcision for The Royal Dutch Medical Association and Efua Dorkenoo who will be talking about female genital mutilation and human rights.
The conference will have breakout sessions where professionals dealing with these issues will be able to talk about policy development.
We need help promoting this conference. Any help you can give will be gratefully received.
The details need to go to Child Protection Boards, Health organisations, hospital trusts, midwives. Local bodies working in child protection, members of charities dealing with children.
Please feel free to circulate the details widely.
Alternatively, if you can advise names, phone numbers and email addresses of suitable contacts we will gladly pass the details on.
Thank you,
David Smith
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Genital Autonomy 2011.
Law, Human Rights, and Non-Therapeutic Interventions on Children
Day One: 31st August
10.30 - 11.00 Coffee and Registration
11.00 - 12.45 1. Genital Autonomy and Human Rights
Chair: Marie Fox
Richard Dunker (Chair of Genital Autonomy)
Debra L DeLaet
Genital autonomy and children's rights in international law
Travis Wisdom
The right to health: towards a feminist understanding of genital autonomy
12.45 - 2.00 Lunch
2.00 - 3.30 2. Medical Practice I
Chair: Michael Thomson
Gert Van Dijk
Between religious freedom and the right to bodily integrity: the case against circumcision of male minors
Antony Lempert
Non-therapeutic circumcision and conscientious objection
3.30 - 4.00 Coffee
4.00 - 5.30 3. Health Law and Genital Autonomy : Two Paradigms
Chair: Debra L DeLaet
Michael Thomson
Public health law and social justice
Marie Fox
Health law and bodily integrity
5.30 - 6.30 Drinks reception
7.30 Conference dinner
Day 2: 1st September
9.30 - 11.30 4. Female Genital Cutting
Chair: David Smith
Dr Comfort Momoh
Title: TBC
Efua Dorkenoo
FGM and human rights
John Geisheker
The Seattle Plan
11.30 - 12.00 Coffee
12.30 - 1.30 5. Intersex
Chair: Michael Thomson
Steven Svoboda
"Justice and peace" : protecting all from genital cutting : law, human rights and demedicalization?
Sarah Graham
A letter to my body
1.30 - 2.30 Lunch
2.30 - 4.00 6. Medical Practice II
Matthew Johnson
Dealing with invasive religious rights: should the NHS offer circumcision to diminish harm
Lauren M. Sardi
Institutionalized practices and neonatal circumcision: the informed consent process
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