Dr. Phil's Testimony was 'Reckless and False,' Group Charges
SAVE press release here. Excerpt:
'WASHINGTON, July 25, 2011 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a national victim-advocacy organization, is charging that Dr. Phillip McGraw, a TV personality known to many as Dr. Phil, made claims at a recent Senate committee hearing that were "reckless and false."
During his testimony, Dr. McGraw made repeated statements about violence against women, but glossed over the widespread problem of abuse against men. McGraw made a number of claims that were flatly wrong, SAVE alleges.
Dr. McGraw asserted that "Domestic violence is now the most common cause of injury to women ages 15 to 44." But the actual leading causes of injury to women are falls, overexertion, and car accidents. McGraw told the senators that "In too many situations violence against women, young and old, is almost treated as an 'acceptable crime.'" But that statement ignores research showing over 90% of Americans abhor domestic violence.
"Two weeks ago Catherine Becker allegedly sliced off her husband's penis and tossed it in the garbage disposal," notes SAVE spokesman Philip Cook. "The gruesome incident took place just miles from Dr. Phil's southern California home. But by the time Dr. McGraw arrived in Washington for the hearing, all awareness of male victimization seemingly had vanished from his mind."'
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The one sided misleading testimony Of "Dr phil" was calculated and deliberate,because he has an agenda in my opinion.He and many others now and before him have pandered to their mostly female viewers in daytime TV for decades And a popular "staple" in daytime talk shows is the "victimized" woman theme,and "it's always the man fault no matter what" theme.So if Dr phil testified that males are victims of females also and just as often that would throw a wrench in his little programing strategy,because it doesn't "sell"... Dr phil has no interest in getting to the whole truth and actually doing something useful,he's only interested in himself and his career,and furthermore I believe his female audience have no interest in knowing the truth either. I realize I'm saying the obvious,but I wanted to say It anyway.
Agreed. His first episode on domestic violence where he defined a man locking himself in closets and cars as abuse (isolating his wife) but his wife throwing laptops at him is just relationship troubles, demonstrates this perfectly, and should automatically disqualify him as an expert. Clearly he is incapable of seeing abuse when it's in front of him, he only see's it where women tell him it is.
Typical Mannikin
This Dr. Phil fool seems to know who butters his bread and buys his sophomoric books and watches his silly TV show.
If it wasn't for his disgusting pandering to the feminist sect he would have to get a real job. He is a fat maggot.
He said what? Let me get this straight. He said if a man locks himself away he is guilty of DV/DA? But what if a man locks himself in the car (for example) to flee a violent or abusive partner? Did he even consider that scenario? He's a Doctor, which must mean he has a more or less enquiring mind. Is he now so brainwashed by feminism that he is incapable of imagining a scenario involving a terrified husband fleeing a violent or abusive wife?
This Dr. is giving evidence to a Congressional Committee. How did he even get the level of fame and academic reputation to be an expert witness before the US Congress?
Take a look for yourself. There are a few more links within the article on other authors comments.
I'm pretty sure one of the articles was posted here on mensnews, but I couldn't find it on a search.
"But what if a man locks himself in the car (for example) to flee a violent or abusive partner?"
That was exactly what happened, and he agreed with the wife that it left her stranded at the home, therefore isolated. AKA abusive.
Thanks Kratch...
...that was an eye-opener. One of the commenters on the Shrink4men article summed it up nicely - "riding on the coattales of Oprah"; no doubt he has the same demographic as her and needs to keep them sweet.
As an aside I must say this Dr Phil's attitudes seem very much like those of VP Joe Biden. Both seem so blinded to the truth it makes you wonder as to their honesty and professional integrity.
It shows him to be unqualified as an expert, at the very least. He is clearly dismissive of the possibility that a man is being abused, thereby showing a bias. Bias's should not be so prominent within an expert. He clearly shows he is incapable of seeing abuse as abuse, separate from gender, so how can he be an expert?
Anyone else notice this
Anyone else notice this article is in the women's section?
Thx, Kratch
Thanks for posting the link to the article. It really speaks volume as to how gender-biased Dr. Phil is. I'm not surprised though. I've never once seen him dedicate a show to the male victims of DV. I took this as a red flag that he obviously doesn't know anything about the countless psychological studies that keep concluding that men and women initiate IPV at about equal rates.
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!
for years
feminist group after femgroup testified about this, so femgroups could get their billion$ every year to do with as they pleased.
in recent years there was some grumbling from men's groups about no men being allowed to testify.
so, today they bring in a servile male or two (expert witnesses of course) to allow men's voices to be heard. notice no MRA groups testifying, ever? s.o.p. for this vile bunch. they want this $$ to fund their groups to keep getting this $$. typical of what really happens daily in d.c. fundamentally, it's why we as a country are in this me$$.