Hotel maid in Strauss-Kahn case speaks out

Thought it all just went away, didn't you? No. Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New York hotel maid who accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of attempting to rape her said in an interview published on Newsweek's website on Sunday that he appeared as a "crazy man" and attacked her when she entered his room.

Nafissatou Diallo also gave the newsmagazine and ABC News permission to identify her by name.

The magazine interview marks the first time the 32-year-old Guinean immigrant to the United States has publicly spoken to the media since she shocked the world with allegations that Strauss-Kahn emerged naked from the bathroom of his luxury suite on May 14 and forced her to perform oral sex.

ABC News on Sunday also announced it would broadcast an interview with Diallo on Monday morning.

"I want justice. I want him to go to jail," she said in excerpts from the television interview released on Sunday.
"Her lawyers and public relations consultants have orchestrated an unprecedented number of media events and rallies to bring pressure on the prosecutors in this case after she had to admit her extraordinary efforts to mislead them."
Wigdor said Diallo has worried that prosecutors would drop the charges. "That has been a concern, but we're all hopeful that the district attorney's going to do the right thing," he said.'

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I thought it was established already that she was just another whore wanting money? Also, where is Gloria Allred?
She is the ace media whore so where is she?

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Undoubtedly he will not be let out unless or until her behavior or her further claims become so fantastic or contradictory as to defy any reason. That is probably the only way he will get let out. Remember, he is presumed guilty, until proven innocent-- and there is no standard of proof high enough to prove a man innocent of a sex crime once accused. You get the idea.

One article is here.

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