'Loving The Talk'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I always agree with Sharon Osbourne, who is English and outrageous. Lately they were discussing the second Lorena Bobbit case in the USA but it’s a woman with a different, difficult name. Anyway this woman cut off her husband’s organ and (learning from Lorena who threw it out of her car window thus her husband could retrieve it and a surgeon sew it back) threw it down her garbage disposal unit. In the USA every sink comes with a garbage disposal unit, which liquifies whatever you throw down it and you turn on the running water. Now let’s see if there’s a doctor who can sew a liquified thing back on!

Well, that was a funny show. Sharon Osbourne completely defended the woman, feeling she was right to do what she did. Did she tell the woman to do it? No, the woman already did it. The Talk was just commenting. Could they have prevented it from happening? No, they did not control the woman. As I remember it the discussion brought laughter to the five women so when I watched it on Wednesday morning and saw the women apologizing for the irreverence they showed genital mutilation, I was upset. What happened to you? I wanted to ask. Did some activist accuse you of supporting genital mutilation and the network decided they did not want to offend activists so they asked you to apologize? Or did some male network executive decide to ask you to apologize to the public because you threatened male crotches? All you did was approve of the gesture a wife accorded her husband after she found out he had been horrendously unfaithful to her. What was wrong with that? You did not tell all women to cut off their husband’s if they discovered him to be unfaithful. That takes either extraordinary rage or extraordinary bravery but that one woman had both and did it then liquified it, I think that deserves applause. Don’t listen to the few males who sent their opinions. Anybody who objects, read his opinion on air but don’t apologize for your behavior. You did no wrong.

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Note this is a paper printed in the Phillipines, so this isasue has international exposure. Anyway, contact info is at http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?articleId=404865

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It's just astounding to me that This woman who wrote this artical and the others (and there's a lot of them)who share the same kind of thoughts can completely ignore the double standard,sexism and the bigotry of this.The very same things that women have been screaming about and the bias media have been exploited for years every fucking chance they could,because the victimized woman shit sells.The very concept of bigotry is as far over the heads of these turds as calculus is to a worm.

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I think she was upset by the apology because it's a sign that men are waking up and refusing to take feminazis' hateful garbage in the media anymore. I guess she would be equally upset by what was done to Larry Summers simply for infering that men just may be better at math and science than women. Of course, if CBS did a show with five male hosts and they joked about a woman getting raped, which isn't as serious as sexual mutilation, I'm sure she would have sent the station an angry letter herself.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Here she is on Facebook. Just in case anyone wants to message her.


PS- I had alot of trouble posting a comment with PhilStar. I finally got my message posted, and now it seems to be gone. Oh well. So now sent her a personal message thru Facebook.

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I recently read your article in PhilStar. I'm disgusted at your lack of sensitivity and morality regarding the Kieu incident. You applaud a woman for doing an act worse than rape and murder combined, then applaud a woman for defending her actions? I don't know a single man that would support a man who raped, or worse, mutilated a woman's genitals! If the Talk was five male hosts referring to a woman getting her clitoris cut off and liquefied as "absolutely fabulous", you would have written them an angry letter yourself. You hypocrite! It really speaks volumes as to what a man-hating beast you must be.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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