Got apology? Milk board cans 'sexist' campaign

Article here. Not quite a win-- the prevailing idea is that the sexism is directed against women when it is in fact directed against both sexes while making men out to be buffoons and helpless dolts. Excerpt:

'California milk producers have yanked a widely criticized ad campaign that poked fun at premenstrual syndrome and the way men supposedly suffer from the monthly cycles of their wives and girlfriends.

"Over the past couple of weeks, regrettably, some people found our campaign about milk and PMS to be outrageous and misguided — and we apologize to those we offended," the California Milk Processor Board says on its website. "Others thought it funny and educational. It has opened up a topic that affects women, of course, but also relationships."

Instead of abandoning the campaign completely, the milk producers are extending it by seeking to capitalize on the controversy surrounding it. They’ve put up a new website titled "got discussion?" featuring pro and con views and inviting people to join the discussion.

The original campaign, titled "Everything I Do Is Wrong," directed men to a website that featured pictures of puzzled men and aimed to help them with a color-coded "current global PMS level," a "video apology enhancer" and a "mistake verification system," among other features.'

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