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Sharon Osbourne's disgusting behavior has probably created more new MRAs and spawned more commentary on the web and elsewhere like this than any other single event that I can recall. If anything good can come of this atrocity done against the victim, it is that her attitude toward the victim and The Talk's women's attitude toward men in general has actually raised consciousness of at least one small part of MRA issues.
As I have always liked to say, with each offense done to men by feminists or by the effects of feminism on our society, more and more MRAs get made... keep it up, ladies (and gents, for there are too many male feminists out there), you are just making more allies and compatriots for our cause!
It is true that how a person reacts to an incident like the Catherine Kieu one really says a lot about their character. My girlfriend, Jeani, was as horrified and disgusted as I was when I told her about the incident and the clip on 'The Talk.' She's agreed to also write a letter to CBS about it.
I'm lucky to have a woman that really understands why the world upsets me. She was even the first one in our relationship to use the word "feminazis" in a conversation!
Permalink Submitted by xtrnl on Fri, 2011-07-22 00:07
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- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
The only good coming from this
Sharon Osbourne's disgusting behavior has probably created more new MRAs and spawned more commentary on the web and elsewhere like this than any other single event that I can recall. If anything good can come of this atrocity done against the victim, it is that her attitude toward the victim and The Talk's women's attitude toward men in general has actually raised consciousness of at least one small part of MRA issues.
As I have always liked to say, with each offense done to men by feminists or by the effects of feminism on our society, more and more MRAs get made... keep it up, ladies (and gents, for there are too many male feminists out there), you are just making more allies and compatriots for our cause!
And Female MRAs too
It is true that how a person reacts to an incident like the Catherine Kieu one really says a lot about their character. My girlfriend, Jeani, was as horrified and disgusted as I was when I told her about the incident and the clip on 'The Talk.' She's agreed to also write a letter to CBS about it.
I'm lucky to have a woman that really understands why the world upsets me. She was even the first one in our relationship to use the word "feminazis" in a conversation!
Real Men Don't Take Abuse!