Giuliani Tells F & F: ‘Family Courts Absolutely Need Reform’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fathers and Families’ Election 2012 Campaign activists attended New Hampshire GOP events this week and asked former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, a 2008 and potential 2012 presidential candidate, about family court reform. Giuliani told F & F activist Shawn Gliklich, MD “family courts absolutely need reform,” and expressed interest in meeting with F & F.

Giuliani told Dr. Gliklich that he sees family law as a state matter, rather than a federal one. Giuliani is for the most part correct, however, there are many things the federal government could do to promote shared custody and undermine the current sole custody to mom norm.

The federal government helps shape states’ policies in many areas by the disbursement or withholding of federal reimbursement funds. It works the same way with family law—the federal government reimburses the states billions of dollars each year in child support collection funds. A pro-shared parenting administration could greatly encourage shared parenting by tying those funds to progress in enacting shared parenting laws, implementing and encouraging shared parenting arrangements, and enforcing visitation orders.'

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