PHS “Tuskegee/Guatemala” HIV/AIDS STD Study redux 2011
Via email. Very long, of greatest interest to people and organizations focused on anti-circ measures, but still of interest to all MRAs. As follows:
PHS “Tuskegee/Guatemala” HIV/AIDS STD Study redux 2011
Accurate clinical outcomes require scientific data that meet the highest standards for research bioethics. Unfortunately (see attached): PHS (ASH: Dr. Koh), NIH (Drs. Collins, Kington, Star), and CDC (Drs. Frieden, Arias, Fenton) do not appear to understand what these standards entail as to “publication bias”, nor is there an adequate oversight/enforcement mechanism or Standard/PHS Code of Research Bioethics Conduct (Nicholas Steneck) as it pertains to “publication bias” adversely impacting reliability of all outcomes research based on federally funded science. Please review this PHS violative research bioethics conduct and refer for corrective Action as CDC considers “universal” circumcision in the U.S. (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,541970,00.html) and DHHS/USAID/UNAIDS implements universal circumcision in Africa.
As you are aware, the recently convened President Commission on Bioethics (http://blog.bioethics.gov/2011/05/19/could-another-guatemala-case-happen/) was tasked with reviewing evidence of global violative research bioethics conduct. I am contacting you in response to President Obama’s tasking of the President’s Commission on Bioethics to review this ongoing case of PHS global violative research bioethics conduct which has disparate impact/treatment in persons of African descent:
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