Germaine Greer: If men want to play men-only games, let them

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are ineligible for membership of Royal St George’s Golf Club, where this year’s Open Championship is being held. As a feminist, I should be outraged at this example of male misogyny.

I should be chaining myself to a tree and shrieking insults at all and sundry, which would have the unintended effect of persuading the club members (as if they needed any persuading) that they were right to exclude women from membership. A raging harridan can expect little welcome from “an assembly of good fellows” who have formed a club in order to have the right to exclude people whose company they do not enjoy.
...Chaining yourself to the railings would be a total waste of time. You’d be better advised to start another, better club for women, but it will be a long time before you find men chaining themselves to your railings. They don’t want to be where you are. Women want the company of men much more than men want the company of women. In this country, something in the order of 3.5 million men are passionate anglers. What can be the appeal of hours spent crouching under an umbrella on a cold, muddy river-bank? The absence of women, that’s what.'

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Can this be the self-same Germaine Greer? I am at a loss for words. One thing she didn't mention was that there are all-women clubs of all kinds and indeed, few people are making a stink. The 2x-standard is amazing indeed.

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