Overheard on CNN.com: Cutting off men’s 'junk' isn’t funny

Article here. Excerpt:

'VinProfessor said, “Why do people think violence against men is funny, but violence against women is horrifying?” Fnordian72 said, “Couldn't be.... SEXISM.... could it?” oneoarout said, “When a puppy is beaten, we're horrified. When a rat gets stepped on by a cow, we laugh. Get it?” Bubba01 said, “Because men do most of the violence, and reversals are funny. Also, it's either laugh or scream . . .” JustinCase4u said, “Because men usually deserve it ... however nobody deserves what happened to this guy unless you molested a bunch of children.”

NoSaint1 said, “Nobody would be laughing if it was a man who mutilated a woman's clitoris! It is really sickening how men are treated by women and the media. She'll get a fraction of the time in jail that a man would get. Just watch and see.”'

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