Dr. Phil Testifies On Domestic Violence To Senate (video)
Article here. Extremely disappointing. He mentioned false accusations but only spoke about a man falsely accusing his wife. His only comments about men were them being the sole abusers. Excerpt:
'Phil McGraw, host of the talk show "Dr. Phil," made his debut on Capitol Hill Wednesday, testifying at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing to review the 1994 Violence Against Women Act .
"Every 15 seconds a woman is abused in this country," McGraw, a psychologist, told lawkmakers. "This means that 228 women will be victimized during the first hour of this hearing."
Another witness, Julie Poner of Indianapolis, told senators she had been falsely accused of domestic abuse by her ex-husband, a Czech citizen, during the course of his immigration process. She appealed to senators to include provisions in the reauthorized bill that would require deeper investigation of abuse allegations related to people going through the immigration process. The fifth witness at the hearing, Eileen Larence, is director of homeland security and justice at the Government Accountability Office.'
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Add "Dr. Phil" to the list
It's The List of Men Who Throw Their Own Gender Under The Bus and Know It. Following are two known members and their defining moments:
1. Geraldo Rivera: Casey Anthony trial discussion with Bill O'Reilly
2. Dr. Phil: Testimony to Congress on VAWA
Actually I think both have had > 1 defining moment before these. But these are the most recent and possibly the most egregious. Who else can be added?
how about
every male member of congress who votes unanimously every time to continue to fund v.a.w.a. w/o calling
any MRA's to testify, just feminists?
how about every guy who goes around calling himself a man, until his wife/girlfriend shows up and he
puts his tail between his legs and goes eunuch?
i could go on and on, but what's the point? it has gotten so pathetic in recent years as to be sickening
to watch grown men act like beaten dogs. no wonder this country is ripe for takeover by these commie bastards,
as they were called in the old days by better men, no doubt. they want our stuff boys, and since women
make up the better part of their ranks, i seriously doubt these honeydos will stand up and fight to keep what
better men died to preserve. they talk a good game, but if it gets nasty, and it very well might, i doubt
the better part will find a backbone. i hope i am wrong, but ...