"Oh the hilarity"

Story here. As usual, reverse the sexes in this story and you can't imagine there being so much hilarity to be had. Excerpt:

'A Russian man who tried to rob a hair salon ended up as the victim when the female shop owner overpowered him, tied him up naked and then used him as a sex slave for three days.

Viktor Jasinski, 32, admitted to police that he had gone to the salon in Meshchovsk, Russia, with the intention of robbing it.

But the tables were turned dramatically when he found himself overcome by owner Olga Zajac, 28, who happened to be a black belt in karate.

She allegedly floored the would-be robber with a single kick.

Then, in a scene reminiscent of Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, police say Zajac dragged the semi-conscious Jasinski to a back room of the salon and tied him up with a hair dryer cable.

She allegedly stripped him naked and, for the next three days, used him as a sex slave to 'teach him a lesson' - force feeding him Viagra to keep the lesson going.'

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If you have high blood pressure I suggest you don't read the readers' comments.

It goes without saying this type of thing would be no laughing matter if we reversed the genders, and what bothers me most is the comments from the many male readers. The most common themes are "what's he complaining about" or "it served him right".

The ignorance and double standards among the 'Great British Public' makes me ashamed sometimes.

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