Carrie Lucas: 'Title IX: Over the Hill at 39'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Schools that don't have the money to start new teams for girls, or simply can't recruit enough women to join existing teams, have instead eliminated men's teams to make the numbers work. That means that thousands of would be male athletes have denied the opportunity to play sports because of Title IX.

And that's a sad and unnecessary thing. It surprises no one outside of far left gender studies departments that just about all surveys and data shows that men are more likely than women to express an interest in playing (or watching) sports. And in fact, sports are about the one extracurricular activity that male participation outpaces girls. Women dominate academic teams, student governments, art programs, theater, student newspapers, and just about everything else on college campus. Why then is Title IX only applied to the one area-sports-where men still have an edge?

Sadly, instead of rethinking this approach, many in the Department of Education seem to want to double down on it, and use Title IX to achieve gender parity in academia as well. What subjects are the Title IX enforcers looking at? Naturally, they are only concerned with math, science, engineering and technology-those few disciplines where men out number women.'

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