American Heart Association: Take Action for the Women Close to Your Heart

Another Men's health concern hijacked. Link here.

'Help Advance the HEART for Women Act in the Senate!

Help us improve the prevention, treatment, and diagnosis of our nation’s No. 1 killer of women by taking action! The HEART for Women Act was just introduced in the Senate and we need your help to build support for this important bill. Send a quick message urging your Senators to become co-sponsors today!

Dear Member of Congress:

As a constituent and an advocate with the American Heart Association, I am writing today to ask you to take a stand against the No. 1 killer of women in the U.S. by co-sponsoring the HEART for Women Act.

The Heart disease Education, Research and Analysis, and Treatment (HEART) for Women Act would:

• Make sure that healthcare data reported to the federal government is classified by gender, race and ethnicity.

• Require the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary to submit an annual report to Congress on the quality of and access to care for women with CVD.

• Expand eligibility for funding to all 50 states for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's WISEWOMAN screening program for low-income, underinsured uninsured women. Currently the program is available in only 20 states.

Every 60 seconds, someone's mother, daughter, wife or sister dies from heart disease, stroke or other forms of CVD in the U.S., claiming the lives of more than 422,000 American women each year. I think you will agree that we cannot allow this alarming trend to continue.

Please do your part to help fight our nation's No. 1 killer of women by becoming a co-sponsor of the HEART for Women Act today!'

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This part:

"• Make sure that healthcare data reported to the federal government is classified by gender, race and ethnicity."

Once that starts getting done, the truth as they say, will out.

But all in all, yes, this is an attempted hijacking of a significantly more male-concerned health issue than it is for women.

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They really have some nerve starting a campaign against a disease that affects both genders, but focusing on just one gender! Imagine if the Canadian Cancer Society started a campaign to help only males afflicted by leukemia. There'd be an uproar. I guess the disparity between the male and female average life span isn't large enough as it is.

BTW, it's funny how when you click on their "ethics" link, it takes you to a 404 page. How ironically fitting!

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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Just to show how one sided the issue really is...

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At least they are not saying the number 1 killer of women is domestic violence committed by men against women. However, if the msm notices this glaring irregularity I am sure they will find a way to blame men for female heart disease.

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It simply isn't right to have a campaign only for a women afflicted by a disease that harms men to a much greater degree.

From Men's Health: One and one-half times more men than woman die from heart disease. Under age 65, three times more men than women die from heart attacks.

The goal is saving women's lives at the expense of men's lives. The hypocrisy and lies of feminism worse that the sexism of that movement.

Do men's groups have a petition form for some truthfulness and real fairness on this issue?

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Many of those statistics already exist, but because of the pro-female anti-male bias it only becomes a concern and widely reported when it benefits females. Men live significantly shorter lives than women and are disproportionately affected by most diseases than women, but that's perfectly okay to misandrist feminists until some single thing affects women marginally more than men.

The data will be collected but when diseases shown to affect men more, the information will get little or no publicity. That data can also be twisted in typical feminist fashion to favor females.

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