VAWA Joe may be out as VP-- but in as Sec'y of State

Keep your eye on this one. If he becomes the next SoS (assuming a) Obama wins re-election and b) what is considered in this article actually happens), then I-VAWA will undoubtedly become a major priority for the second Obama term. SAVE and MRAs in general will then have their work cut out for them, as if we don't already. Excerpt:

'A Prominent Republican is joining a prominent Democrat in predicting that Gov. Cuomo will become President Obama's running mate for vice president next year.

Former New York GOP boss William Powers, credited with playing a key role in electing Rudy Giuliani mayor and George Pataki governor, was effusive in his praise of Cuomo's successes in the just-ended legislative session, and in his prediction of the freshman governor's political future.
"I don't think there's any doubt Obama is going to pick him as his running mate. The president is in trouble and [Vice President Joseph] Biden doesn't bring anything to his ticket.

"The president will call him up later this year and say, 'Andrew, you have to do this for the good of the country.' What's Andrew going to say, 'No?'"
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown earlier this year also predicted that Obama would pick Cuomo to replace Biden, who he claimed would be named by the president to replace Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.'

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What does SoS stand for?

Sack of Shit???

He is already that, is he not?

Yes I know S o S stand for Secretary of State.

Now what of Shrillary? Is Obamanigna in for it if this scenario plays out.


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