Men’s Matters has returned after a 4-month break

Via email:

Men’s Matters has returned after a 4 month break due to political matters. Listen online at 93.7 Express FM (Listen Again) at: Although the June edition went out live on 28th June, the Feb. one is what is available at the moment. To hear it, click on the Mens Matters icon and then again when it is in the window. The show lasts about 45 minutes.

The February edition:

· A discussion with a man who lost his daughter to his abusive ex-partner. He will be giving his views on the devastating effect on fatherlessness
· Comments on Women and Trust
· Comedy sketch: Ali G vs Naomi Wolf
· Idris Francis critic of Association of Chief Police Officers
· The UK coalition government’s betrayal of men through the imposition of Go Orders – direct influence by feminists or not?

James Williams
Men’s Matters
Express FM

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Especially I want to recommend listening to the section called 'Comments on Women and Trust' that comes right after the first section, starting at around the 14:00 mark. (Unfortunately the embedded player doesn't allow for a finer-grained control of where to start listening than to jump forward by 5 or 15 min increments.) When considering his comments about the devastating force of false accusations, just consider the Strauss-Khan case. The President of the IMF and a major candidate for the French presidency was turned into a loathsome piece of scum in the minds of possibly billions of people based on a single accusation of rape by a woman whose credibility is to say the least practically non-existent, yet said man still remains in technical custody of the police with felony charges still levied against him.

I have talked to people about this fact and I am (not) surprised that many of them STILL think that just maybe, this maid was raped, despite the reports regarding her motivation for levying the charge against him, and that nonetheless Strauss-Khan somehow deserved what happened to him.

Strauss-Khan is no doubt a philanderer - a fact his wife is well-aware of and seemingly fine with. The sexual lives of him and/or his wife are their business, not anyone else's. But philandery is not the same as rape. Yet in the minds of many, what happened to Strauss-Khan, and what is still happening to him, nonetheless somehow remains justified.

I simply cannot imagine a case wherein a man accused a powerful woman he had sex with of some kind of sexual misconduct and wherein she would be immediately arrested and condemned publicly, and presumed guilty by nearly one and all. Can you imagine that?

Editorial done. I will just also say that his other comments though aside from that are also spot-on. Well worth the time to listen.

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