F & F’s Glenn Sacks Debates Dad-Bashing ‘Married Single Moms’ Survey on MSNBC Live
Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2011-06-23 00:00
Blog entry here. Excerpt:
'F & F’s Glenn Sacks debated the new dad-bashing ‘Married Single Moms’ survey on MSNBC Live on Friday, June 17.
The survey’s promoters, ForbesWoman.com and TheBump.com, claim in their highly-publicized press release that many mothers feel their husbands do so little that, though married, they’re really like single mothers who have to do all the work.
To watch the debate, click here.
In the show’s opening we’re told that 92% of mothers feel “overwhelmed” and 70% resent their husbands. Alison Bernstein, Senior Editor of TheBump.com, then explained that “even working moms feel like they’re taking the majority of work on their shoulders.”'
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