Sweden vs. Britain: The Foolish Lead The Blind

Reference here.

Britain´s PM David Cameron:
”Runaway fathers are like drink-drivers”

David Cameron is also the leader of the Conservative Party, Tory.

In Sweden, mothers receive child benefit of 1.050:- SEK/GBP 95/USD 154 per child – each month. Our Primeminister Fredrik Reinfeldt, at that time in 2005 as the leader of the Swedish Conservative Party, Moderaterna, said: ”There are women who are separated from men with alcohol problems who, with this, could be forced to receive half the child benefit in order to finance continued alcohol abuse,” said Reinfeldt.”

The Local – Split child benefit ”unfair to mothers”

The issue of split child benefit is once again on the political agenda in Sweden.

Comment by Ulf:
Shared custody is a very different issue from split child benefit. But with two European Conservative Primeministers comparing fathers to alcoholics, there´s a long way ahead of us towards equal parenting.

News submitted by

Ulf Andersson

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