The President’s Fatherhood Pledge

Site here. Excerpt:

'Why take the President’s Fatherhood Pledge?

Fatherlessness is a growing crisis in America, one that undergirds many of the challenges that families are facing. When dads aren't around, young people are more likely to drop out of school, use drugs, be involved in the criminal justice system, and become young parents themselves.

President Obama grew up without his dad, and has said that being a father is the most important job he has. That's why the President is joining dads from across the nation in a fatherhood pledge – a pledge that we'll do everything we can to be there for our children and for young people whose fathers are not around. When you take the President's Fatherhood Pledge, you'll receive updates, tips and resources from fatherhood organizations, prominent dads and other supporters of responsible fatherhood around the nation.'

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Is there a companion site where the president and governors of the states, and legislators all promise to uphold their end of things and get on board the Presumed Joint Custody Bus?

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Obama continued his yearly lecture to fathers on Father's Day. Take a look at his proclamation on Mother's Day and you will see a very different tone and content. It is mostly lauding mothers for the great job that they are doing, and all the the government is doing for these mothers. Fact is, there is little or no funding for real father's programs. And this site might actually be a front for child support collection efforts. How about a real initiative, such as a national move toward a presumption of shared parenting. Or funding for dna testing for each and every child born to determine actual parentage.

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One thing that is destroying families is the VAWA. That loathsome Joe Biden's pride and joy.
Was there any indication that this piece of crap law was being rescinded?

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taking guys pockets and turning them inside-out is big business
in the u.s., and most of the western world. this is actually the one
area of the economy the little freak zero has no problem supporting,
being the good feminist he is. remember, he has the shirt.

just think of the people involved in this transfer of $$$$. they are legion, and
then use the law to get more $$ thru v.a.w.a., and dozens of other outlets.
more criminals, more $$$ needed for more and more $$ needed and so forth.
lawyer types love it.

creating criminals by having a war (drug war, war on men, war in general) is a big part of the amerikan economy.

note: zero may also be responsible for the stimulation of the gun and ammo industries. go figure?

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