The Incalculable Value of Fatherhood

Link here. Excerpt:

'But the financial cost of those issues pales in comparison to the hurt and anguish it causes in people’s lives. The tears and broken dreams of a family that once was or never was are incalculable. The damage done to children who grow up without a father and all that a father brings (not just in a paycheck) cannot be underestimated. Phyllis Schlafly takes a look at some of these in her recent column.

While the absence of a father usually pulls down his children, his presence usually makes the child infinitely better off. For instance, studies have found that the father’s presence makes a child’s academic success more likely, not just in school but in higher education.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that fathers don’t matter–that families don’t matter, for that matter–remember that research backs up what we already instinctively know: they are invaluable to society.'

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